ourWorldourWorld SeriesShows

ourWorld | The Best Summer Outfits of 2017

Support on Patreon

69 likes and I’ll give you free gems on OGC… (。◕‿◕。)

Thank you all for watching and supporting my YouTube channel. For the past several months, people have started calling me a
“YouTuber”. Although I do love making videos, helping, and entertaining you guys; these videos only compliment my more content/community-driven projects. In particular, www.ourgemcodes.com

ourGemCodes is a project site I began in 2010. The original concept of ourGemCodes was to release codes and coupons for all games (not just ourWorld). In fact, I wanted to call the site GemCodes but it was taken. Several years later, I have more creative freedom to follow my original dream of making ourGemcodes into a rewards membership site with a focus on content.

With your help, we can continue improving ourGemCodes and releasing better and more quality content. An app is scheduled to release end of 2017 / beginning 2018. GameCardPower Forum members will be grandfathered in with lifetime memberships.

Register at www.ourgemcodes.com

(( This video was suggested by the Sun… ))

☺☻ R I D E T H E W A V E ☻☺
Website – http://bit.ly/1TbX01K
Twitter – http://bit.ly/1Temqu3
Instagram – http://bit.ly/1VXgQ1t
Facebook – http://bit.ly/1R2nDyI
Tumblr – http://bit.ly/1TbX01K
Snapchat – @skyelogic

♥△ ♥ I N D I E A R T P R O J E C T S ♥△ ♥


△♥△ C O L L A B E R A T O R S △♥△
Kristofferson – Heartskip
Melvv – Vibe
Jingle Punks – Good Starts

Donny Pie

Hello! My name is Donnel Garner. I created ourGemCodes in 2010. I have my degree in Computer Science. I’m a web developer, entrepreneur, content creator, and United States Submariner. I am a young philanthropist and contribute to open source foundations.

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