About OurGemCodes

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OurGemCodes was created on October 3rd, 2010. OurGemCodes has been independently funded and managed by Skye Pie (otherwise known as Donny Garner). Our site launched on November 1st, 2010. OurGemCodes has only been made possible through developers, google, partners, and fans like you!
[wpsm_quote author=”Donny Pie” float=”left”]Create content that will help people and everything else will come.[/wpsm_quote]
I’d like to thank everyone who has taken the time and dedication to support this website. We’ve had over 100 contributing authors and boasted a forum with over 30,000 registered users. Many of our authors left to other things in life and our forums were relocated to GameCardPower. This site has had quite the history.
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