Drama & Gossip
Being ourWorld famous isn’t all that. Donny Pie has to put up with harassment and rumors.
Have you ever wanted to be known? Internet celebrities don’t often describe what it’s like being famous. Donny Pie, who…
Drama & Gossip
OGC PodCast #002: ourWorld Drama, YouTubers and Vidcon, Celebrity News, and ourGemCodes
Donny Pie Livestream – June 24 2017 Welcome to the second edition of the OGC Podcast. This week, Donny talks…
Drama & Gossip
OGC PodCast #001: Donny Pie Drama, June 2017 News, and ourWorld!
In this weeks podcast, Donny talks about his latest development project located at ourgemcodes.com. He also tells the biggest news…
Kim Kardashian is selling a Fidget Spinner for $15 dollars
Today is a slow news day. It’s Electronic Daisy Carnival weekend, k? And instead of going with my friends, I…
OW News
OGC Developer Updates #1
[frame src=”http://www.ourgemcodes.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/ogc-wood-engraved.png” link=”” target=”_self” width=”360″ height=”240″ alt=”OGC Since 2010″ align=”right” prettyphoto=”true”][dropcap1]OGC[/dropcap1] was my very first site. I created this site…
Original ourWorld Store
Yes, you read right; store. I was so happy to see that Its Bojan is back, and with an idea…
ourWorld Outfits: Original Monthly Design
I was on the OGC Forums a few days ago, when I noticed another one of those ‘Own Clothing Design’…
ourWorld Outfits: My Original Monthly Design
I created this nearly two months ago, and it’s basically just been sitting in a corner on the OGC Forums…
Easter 2015 Event Item Outfits
The Easter 2015 items just hit Playtest and I thought I would treat everyone to some great outfits. If you…
ourWorld Outfits: Original Monthly Design
A girl by the name of ‘3lmoo’ has created an amazing Monthly Set called the ‘Meow Set’. I apologise to…
ourWorld Outfits: Original Monthly Design
She’s blown me away once, and now she’s done it again! JordynnBabii is on an absolute role, and I instantly…