Want to buy old monthly items from ourWorld? You can! There’s a new feature coming to ourWorld, but you have to be VIP to access it. Here’s what we know:
- If you’re VIP status, you get a silver star by your name instead of a yellow resident triangle. Look up these players in oW for examples: Digmania, Okashichan, RossM, Wylde and Dougaroo.
- To get VIP status, you have to have been a resident for a long time, most likely consecutively.
- You know you have VIP if you recieve an email about Zoe’s Club saying you have been chosen and you will be able to access the store.
- Zoe’s Club aka VIP is the next level up from being a resident.
- When you get this status, you get access to old monthly items such as the ones below:

Also note, when in Zoe’s Club, the items are limited and take awhile to change! They’re also super expensive.
When we get more information, we’ll post it! There’s definitely more to come!
Who knows, maybe they’ll change some things ;) So don’t get too crazy, yet.
Credits: Verix, Lubuking and Digmania