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—[Buy Residency in Stores + Damian the Demon]—
Damian The Demon
.:* Soon Kroger, Safeway and Toys R Us will sell gift cards for Residency, Gems and a unique pixie pet. *:.
Safeway, Kroger and Toys ‘R Us will sell residency in their stores near you! You will also get this super rare pixie pet when you purchase residency from them. This is completely separate from the enchanted pass. To find one closest to you, click the links below! But remember, they might not have it just yet!
Hello! My name is Donnel Garner. I created ourGemCodes in 2010. I have my degree in Computer Science. I’m a web developer, entrepreneur, content creator, and United States Submariner. I am a young philanthropist and contribute to open source foundations.