Every week, I will publish a follow-up issue of ‘Tis Sunday, an interactive post that allows you viewers to have your say and win mini contests with not-too-attractive prizes.
Spotted @ Lubuking’s Party!
Did you know… that you don’t have to go to your Condo and open your Condo Floor Plan in order to get to your Garden? Just hover your mouse over your coins, click Critter Garden and it will take you to your Garden.
Hover mouse over coins
Click Critter Garden
i would like to greet my friends….XoXsweetangelXoX, sansD,Oliver009 and my sis on OW…
Shout Out to~
My super awesome sister- twilightsapphire! You rock the house all the way down :P
My best friends- JustChill, Benedict Cole, Alyze and April Flowers! Too awesome to be true.
Luff Yew Guys! (:
Peet(A.K.A, PeEtGoEsCrAzY) – Beaut, ur amazing, you’ve always been there for me cos ur my sister :D
Star (A.K.A, xFalingStarx) – Mum, i love you lots like jelly tots!
Dream ( A.K.A FightForDream x3) – Aunt, i love you to bits!
Mike (A.K.A, Street1990) – You’ve been there for me from the very first day on ourWorld, will always lovee you!!! xD
Gummy ( A.K.A, iStealGummyBears) – Beaut, you’ve always made me go lol!
Lexi (A.K.A, YourLexiDoll) – Chick, you’ve always been there for me ;]
tiny ( A.K.A, tinyboy) – My fellow welshie, from the first time you ever choked on a lolly ive loved you<3
Lauren ( A.K.A, iSmile x) You’ve been my bestie for not very long, but i feel like ive known you for a lifetime!
Renez ( A.K.A, xRenez) – Thanks for everything :) i <3 U!
Robbie ( A.K.A, Prince Vegeta, My BF :] ) – We’ve not been together for very long but i love you with all my heart, you complete me :)
And, last but not least, to my crew (Fallan Angels) – Last month was the best ever! Keep up the good work!
Guys, iLoveU All with my heart, never leave me :)
~x Believe x
hey its popstar
wanna shout out to the best sis ever alexis442
and my good friend 4everroxy :)
iSkylar- Remembering to say Happy New Years! And always slap some sense into me!~
SYLVIA31- Hugging her makes it all better!~
Shout out to Miley.
iMissYou. <3 :/ /
i would like to make a shout out to 8D XxDj xX D8 , 8D CkTherese D8, and Keno Saur, and Fonzy91 For being the awesomenest people i met from this website :D
ShOuT oUt To: Devouring Fear
Im sorry i hurt you i can never forgive myself will you forgive in any way???
You know i approve this message!
Angel, out.
~XxUr Lil AngelxX
Cxii Applez asked:
“Why do people only want is GEMS GEMS GEMS? They don’t care about playing , but gems : | “
Some people do care about playing, while others just care about how they look. And it’s true that if you want to look exclusive, you need Gems!
Guiltiness asked:
“Why aren’t we allowed to say, “muffins” on ourWorld? Are muffins bad or something?”
Muffins are not bad, in fact they are deliciously good! :P I guess Muffins are slang for boobs. It’s not a bad word, just inappropriate!
Submit all answers to ourgemcodes_submit@hotmail.com with your Subject Header as ‘Mini Contest’ by Friday, 14 January 2011. Prizes will be gifted by Hollywood the following week. Good luck!~
Don’t forget to include your ourWorld name in your contest submission.
*****WINNERS***** Last week’s answer: Ke$ha, Lady Antebellum, Katy Perry, Hayley Williams, Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Alicia Keys (any 3) 2 FASTEST: oOLoveAbleOo, Annikamartine 2 LUCKIEST: Boston Cream, Choco holic
You should have received your prizes (via gift) by Monday, 10 January, 2011.
Submission Guidelines
So before you reach over and press ‘comment’, do read up on how you can submit your questions, shout-outs and contest answers below.
• For Shout-out column, simply post your messages as a reply to THIS post. I’ll be checking the comments section below and select random shout-out messages to publish in the next issue.
• For Ask The Sky, I’ll only accept questions through forum PM-ing or inbox messaging. Send me a Private Message by clicking here. Alternatively, you can send me an inbox message with the subject ‘Ask The Sky!’.
• For Mini Contest, all participants should email their entry to ourgemcodes_submit@hotmail.com.
Hello! My name is Donnel Garner. I created ourGemCodes in 2010. I have my degree in Computer Science. I’m a web developer, entrepreneur, content creator, and United States Submariner. I am a young philanthropist and contribute to open source foundations.