Happy Valentine’s Day! You’ve been cordially invited to attend ourgemcodes Valentine’s Day Party! Bring your Valentine or get ready to meet one. Love is in the air; can you feel it?! — And as always, if one of our party noobs comes along then you might get a gift for being that special someone!
A very big shoutout to: Fizzle (Happy Valentine’s Day)
Would you to host an epic party? If so then leave a comment below explaining why you’d make a good party host! Remember to include your ourworld username and the party theme you have in mind! We hosts parties on our blog every Saturday from 12am – 11:59pm. We hope to see you there, yeeeeah!
We need your help! Promote this party by creating an event titled “Valentine’s Day Party” and have the location set to Starlight Skate. Thanks and Happy Valentine’s Day *gives rose* ^_^