Ok so first of all, this is a joke so don’t take it seriously people.
All of the family oriented female ourworlders out there! Do you wanna be pregnant on ourworld? Alright here is a short guide for that.
- Well you need a partner cause you don’t wanna raise the kid alone! WHO’S GONNA PAY FOR THEIR COLLEGE?
- Make your avatar look a bit fatter than before.
- Buy these 5 dresses to fake a big belly:
- Always try to sit than standing up, act like you have back pain! xD
- You can give birth after a week, it’s ourworld! Anything is possible!
- Adopt a kid so you can tell people that’s who you were pregnant with. [They should wear baby accessories which are available at the store.]
- Decorate a room or a part of your room for the baby.
- Have a baby shower/after birth party so you can get gifts! xD [just an advice: create the event right after the gem codes are out! LMAO]
That’s pretty much it! Go play and make ourworld more fun~