Craig Robinson, lead mobile strategist and development for FlowPlay, wrote an article on VentureBeat discussing how game developers could save themselves from the demise of Flash. FlowPlay is a game developer most notable for ourWorld and their casino-game vegasWorld.
For years now, the tech industry has declared a full-on war killing flash. Last year, major web browsers like Chrome and Firefox began to phase out support for Flash in favor of HTML5. Earlier this week, we wrote about Kongregate selling to MTG for $55 million. One of the reasons they sold is because flash is dying, but it’s not entirely dead.
Is ourWorld going to shutdown? Not exactly.
According to the latest livestream on ourWorld’s official Twitch.TV channel, an employee of FlowPlay stated ourWorld has no plans of shutting down anytime soon. But with Flash becoming less relevant, ourWorld might not have a choice but to shutdown if no one can access their game.
The latest game to succumb to war on flash is Disney’s Club Penguin. Despite Club Penguin’s growth and cultural milestones for all millennials, Disney couldn’t see themselves developing a game on a platform with no future. Disney’s decided to completely shutdown the desktop experience in order to launch a new mobile experience: Club Penguin Island. ourWorld might not scrap their game entirely, but rather, do the same thing to ourWorld as they did with vegasWorld. Migrate their game to an entirely new solution using Haxe and OpenFL. There is hope for ourWorld.
Will ourWorld be getting an upgrade?
Maybe. The developers at FlowPlay would need to transition from ActionScript to OpenFL/Haxe, but would they want to? Craig Robinson describes this transition as being a serious undertaking, but possible. ourWorld has millions of lines of code to migrate. And unless the developers would be willing to continue support for ourWorld, it would seem like FlowPlay is letting Flash take its course. Derrick Morton, CEO of FlowPlay, said they’ve redone a graphics overhaul according to SeattleTimes. It is unknown whether ourWorld was included in this update.
But there is hope!
The team at FlowPlay found a way to maintain support for existing players while supporting new players on mobile. This has been working for their game vegasWorld, which managed to become the #1 web browser casino game. And from what Craig says, “It may have worked for Club Penguin and saved its passionate community of desktop players, too.” For ourWorld fans, bloggers, artists, forumers and youtubers everywhere; we can only hope ourWorld gets an upgrade.
Hey, my name is Donny Pie on ourWorld!
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Hope for the best <333
Well,they make enough money to not shut it down.Still the whole flash topic bothers me but let’s hope for the best.
*Crosses fingers* O_O
*knocks on wood* @_@
i like the new update to the website
Thank you! I’m happy you like it. New updates are being made constantly now. I’m so obsessed XD lol
wow very article-y
ourgemcodes has changed.