ourWorld is releasing an all-new 2017 Surplus Condo Box. The Surplus box should only cost 30 gems and will be available in stores either July 5th or July 6th of 2017. The box will be available for a year so you have plenty of time to get one. Put it in your wishlist!

Also, ourWorld will release more summer items from their catalog on July 5th/6th, 2017. These summer items include camo-themed designs along with poka-dot designs and some others. You can view the entire catalog here.
Last week, a lot of news went down in ourWorld. In case you missed it, here’s a quick rundown of everything that’s been happening:
- NEW YouTube gives 5 Tips on How To Look Good in ourWorld
- Donny Pie created some super funny and relatable ourWorld Memes
- ourWorld made $18 million dollars last year!
- ourWorld YouTuber, 2fps, was banned from the game
- Donny Pie made best summer outfits of 2017
- Craig Robinson, ourWorld VP, talks about ourWorld dying
- Donny Pie made an ourWorld tracking tool
Not much else is happening in ourWorld. We will keep you up-to-date with the 2Fps story. You can expect a new ourgemcodes video on Friday. New Gem Codes are published every Monday (most of the time). Thanks for reading!
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