Dear Santa Contest…
All I Want For Christmas is… Fill in the form below. Submit it. If we choose your letter then you’ll receive a gift! We will be giving out 1,000 gems worth in gifts. ***CHRISTMAS/CONTEST IS OVER *** |
Read First: Guidelines
Dear Sesame Street,
I’ve been a “cookie eating” “monster” this year. And I didn’t ask for much, except “cookie coookie cookies!” Please make my wish come true!
I “love” ourWorld because it has “yummy treats.” I’ve met so many “cookie sharing” friends who I’m very thankful for! I hope they have a “delicious” Christmas!!!
I also “stalk” Last Cookie because shes “the last cookie Dx.” Without her “cookies”, ourWorld wouldn’t be nearly as “Satifying!”
“Om nom nom,”
Cookie MonsterPS – I’d also like to thank “cookie dough” for being there whenever I’m feeling “hungry.”