Donny Pie
YouTube FINALLY updated with Gif Featured Animated Images!
[wpsm_dropcap]Y[/wpsm_dropcap]ouTube updated on July 13th, 2017 with .gif animated featured images. This feature is only available in Chrome. This update…
ourGemCodes supports Net Neutrality Day: July 12th, 2017
[wpsm_dropcap]J[/wpsm_dropcap]uly 12th, 2017 is an internet-wide day to save net neutrality. Net neutrality is important. And your favorite websites are…
NeonMob is a card collectible site. Here are 5 FREE must-have promo packs!
[wpsm_dropcap]N[/wpsm_dropcap]eonMob changes the way we think about digital art by providing a card collectible platform. Similar to that of Curioos,…
LOL Im Dead
This 30 Second ourWorld Video will teach you how to become famous
[wpsm_dropcap]o[/wpsm_dropcap]urGemCodes doesn’t condone betraying your friends for popularity. But if you must betray your friends, steal all their items because…
Drama & Gossip
YouTuber Sidemen Behzinga had his car vandalized by a fan yesterday
[wpsm_dropcap]E[/wpsm_dropcap]than Payne, otherwise known as Behzinga, is a comedic video game commentator on YouTube who publishes videos featuring games ranging from…
OGC EXCLUSIVE: This 15 year old editor discusses Life, YouTube, and ourWorld — Hellu ourWorld
[wpsm_dropcap]Y[/wpsm_dropcap]ouTube videos have been the spark of content-creation within ourWorld. Over 30,000 ourWorld videos have been uploaded to YouTube which…
ourWorld removed all their videos from their recent Twitch Live streams
[wpsm_dropcap]I[/wpsm_dropcap]t looks like ourWorld is backtracking by removing all their videos from Twitch. Last month, ourGemCodes announced the official ourWorld Twitch…
Drama & Gossip
5 Famous People Who Quit Twitter and Social Media because of Cyberbullying (Ed Sheeran)
[wpsm_dropcap]T[/wpsm_dropcap]he internet is a place where people can gather for good and bad. Unfortunately, many people prefer to be anonymous…
LOL Im Dead
Nick Crompton “No I’m Not From Compton” | England is my city is now a meme.
[wpsm_dropcap]N[/wpsm_dropcap]ick Crompton is an entrepreneur and social media star who gained popularity on YouTube, then became co-founder of the social…
Drama & Gossip
Logan Paul dropped the second verse and makes out with Alyssa Violet
[wpsm_dropcap]J[/wpsm_dropcap]ust when you thought the beef was over between Jake Paul and Logan Paul; it starts again. ourGemCodes hasn’t covered…
ourWorld Outfits: Gorillaz
This post was originally published on September 15th, 2011. Gorillaz is an English musical project created in 1998 by Damon…
Jake Paul released a song called Jerika and it’s actually kinda good (dedicated to his wife)
[Jake] Used to call you mom but now I call you wifey There’s no dead throw but I’m doing it…