
Web Hunt #28

Here are all of this week’s web hunt answers!

The contest will run for ONE week (until o6/29/10)
and there will be TWENTY winners:
– The first 10 people that send in the correct answers
– And 10 randomly selected, lucky winners

Reward: 20 gems

E-mail the answers and your ourWorld name to
Please include “Web Hunt #28? in the subject line.

Good luck everyone!!!

Web Hunt#28

expires: 06/28/10

1) What’s the most expensive item in the Bejeweled shop in Soho?

A: Bejeweled Sapphire Headpiece

2) In the game, Bejeweled 2, how many different types of gems are there? Hint: It’s less than 8.

A: Seven different types of gems

3) We’re now offering our Facebook players an exclusive coupon for 10 FREE GEMS every week! The code will be posted on the ourWorld Application Page. Find this week’s coupon code and write a comment on that post!
So that we can check whether you did this step, please leave your Facebook name as the answer to this step.

A: B93A-4433-FC6E-F2EE <- Coupon code, follow directions in question.

4) In the game, Gem Shop, how many different colors of gems are there? Hint: It’s more than 5.

A: Six different gem colors

5) What’s the name of the player with the “Blingest” Condo in ourWorld?

A: The Gem Machine

6) What’s your ourWorld username?

A: (Enter ourWorld name here)

Donny Pie

Hello! My name is Donnel Garner. I created ourGemCodes in 2010. I have my degree in Computer Science. I’m a web developer, entrepreneur, content creator, and United States Submariner. I am a young philanthropist and contribute to open source foundations.

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