The ourWorld Haunted Cabin Changed!
[2010 Haunted Cabin Update]
The virtual snow has melted and spring has come early this year. For the most part, everyone has noticed the changes in ourWorld. But have you visited The Haunted Cabin lately? It’s been remodeled too!
The Haunted Cabin is a 2010 Resident item and is super rare. If you click on the cabin then you can see its interior. The cabin even has some spooky sounds, but it makes sense. The cabin is haunted, after all. I hope you’re not afraid of the dark… or ghosts.
Credit to Fangrah [The OGC Forums]
Visit the author’s profile (Nikki) [The OGC Forums]
ourWorld Haunted Cabin (More Info) [ourGemCodes]
does it look the same now?
The ourWorld Haunted Cabin changes by season. Just wait until Halloween ;P