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Rare Item Sunday: February 2009 Monthly Item
Hello, It’s Sunday again!
This week rare item would be:
Feb 2009 Monthly item
February 2009 Monthly Item consists of Cupid Ribbon, Cupid bow, Arrow on the head.

- Cupid bow
Cupid bow, a super rare item that is a monthly item from 2009. It is well known for being a “scam” item or “hard to get rid of” item. It have 5 different colors available, yellow, white, red,blue and black.Cupid bow’s last sale price is not a fix sale price. It’s worth is always unstable.
The offers received may be bad due to it’s unpopularity.However, if you currently have Cupid bow it is advisable to trade it immediately. The offers received depends a lot on the person offering for it. Since the trader may not know that actually Cupid bow is hard to get good offers from.

Cupid arrow, similar to Cupid bow, has a last sale price of 8 million.The offers received may be worse than Cupid bow. It is also advisable not to trade for it. If you currently have Cupid arrow it is advisable to trade it away too.

Cupid ribbon is one of the most popular item among both genders. The offers received is dependant on the color and trader. For blue Cupid ribbon, it is actually harder to trade away than white and black. White and Black are the most popular color . As stated below, Black Cupid ribbon has the highest worth. However, the offers received may not be good. Hence, Cupid ribbon may also be a risk .
These are the worth:
Red: 175 million
Blue: 50-80 million
Black: 200 million
White: 100-180 million
yellow: 160-190million
What do you think of February 2009 Cupid set? Do you personally like the set?