Dude Perfect’s Toney is leaving the group + Fidget Spinner Trick Shots
Dude Perfect is an American sports entertainment group based on YouTube. The group consist of twins Coby and Cory Cotton, Garrett Hilbert, and Cody Jones. On June 15, 2017, Toney announced that he would leave the group to spend more time with his family. He would remain in the videos until the pre-recorded videos are all uploaded.

In their most recent video, the former group of 5 made fidget spinner trick shots. No video since the creation of fidget spinners has ever looked so cool. In the video, they play battle spinners. The game is played by spinning the fidget spinner and tossing it toward another fidget spinner. Last spinner spinning wins.
The group of 5 will be missed. Hopefully, Toney comes back to the team. It seems the YouTube Apocalypse is hitting even the most successful of YouTube channels and years of work is wearing down the creators.
Read about Kim Kardashians Fidget Spinner
Do you own a fidget spinner?
I have a fidget spinner, but I can’t do tricks on it yet.