ourWorld Charity: Support Japan
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I am sure many of you at home have learned about the terrible disaster that struck Japan. If you do not know, a terrible earthquake struck Japan, followed by a terrible tsunami. 10,000 people have died and 15,000 are still missing. For those of you who were affected by this disaster in any way, the ourWorld team and all the workers on the island care about you.
In the past week, the ourWorld Team received many inspiring comments and suggestions about different disasters around the world. Several of you asked how you can help.

During the next week, the team will be featuring a few blog posts dedicated to everybody who needs help in this time of need. The team wants you involved! You can donate to Japan by purchasing this New Pixie pet for 300 gems! Any help is greatly appreciated!!!
Help rescue Japan! Every purchase of this Flow-boosting pup donates $5 to Red Cross’ Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami Relief Fund.

They got the idea from a true story about Hachiko the dog in Japan. Hachiko would walk with his owner to the train station everyday and see him off to work and then greet him when he arrived back at the station from work. One day, Hachiko’s owner didn’t return back home and had died. But still, everyday for 9 years, Hachiko would wait the train station for him. If you’re interested, you can read more about this story by clicking here.
Help rescue Japan – your purchase donates $5 to the Red Cross Relief Fund.
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