logan paul
Drama & Gossip
ComedyShortsGamer will be boxing Jake Paul as the undercard fight for charity
Today, ComedyShortsGamer otherwise known as Deji Olatunji, uploaded a video titled, "I AM BOXING LOGAN PAUL'S LITTLE BOTHER". In the…
Drama & Gossip
Logan Paul confirmed he will fight KSI in a YouTube Boxing Match
YouTube celebrities Logan Paul and KSI have been bantering back and forth over social media regarding a boxing match. This…
Drama & Gossip
6 Reasons Why Everyone Hates Jake Paul & His Dramatic Timeline
ourGemCodes doesn’t condone hate in any form. [wpsm_dropcap]T[/wpsm_dropcap]here’s a difference between being hateful and holding someone accountable. Currently on YouTube,…
Drama & Gossip
Versus Poll — Vote on who you think is better: Logan Paul or Jake Paul?
The ultimate battle of the most successful YouTube brothers. Vote on you think is better: Logan Paul versus Jake Paul.
Drama & Gossip
Logan Paul and Chloe Bennet are selling a piece of his sunburnt skin on eBay and it’s at $97k
I put a piece of my sunburnt skin on @eBay and it's at $97k
If this is real & it…
Drama & Gossip
Logan Paul dropped the second verse and makes out with Alyssa Violet
[wpsm_dropcap]J[/wpsm_dropcap]ust when you thought the beef was over between Jake Paul and Logan Paul; it starts again. ourGemCodes hasn’t covered…
OGC PodCast #4: Logan Paul, ourWorld Bans Mary Spade, Viral Internet Videos, YouTuber Loses Testicle, and ourGemCodes
Donny Pie LiveStream – July 8th, 2017 Welcome to the fourth edition of the OGC Podcast. This week, Donny talks…
Drama & Gossip
Logan Paul and Chloe Bennet were snapped by Paparazzi making out! #CHLOGANG
https://youtu.be/5_kjXSWGzGw #CHLOGANG definition: Chlogang is the ship-name of Chloe Bennet + Logan Paul. [wpsm_dropcap]A[/wpsm_dropcap] few days ago, we posted about…
Drama & Gossip
Is Logan Paul dating Ayla Woodruff, Chloe Bennet, or Jessica Serfaty? Fuck. Marry. Kill.
[wpsm_dropcap]L[/wpsm_dropcap]ogan Paul, the number 1 rising YouTuber this past month, has had his fair share of relationships. Lately, people have…
Drama & Gossip
Chloe Bennet is annoyed at Logan Paul. So he takes her to Hawaii.
2 weeks ago, we wrote about Chloe Bennet being turned into a “Quake Me Chloe” meme. Thanks to Logan Paul, Chloe…
Chloe Bennet’s Instagram has been getting spammed with “QUAKE ME CHLOE!”
Chloe Bennet has been seen in Logan Paul videos where Logan antagonizes her by saying, "QUAKE ME CHLOE!" Since then,…
Drama & Gossip
Alissa Violet hates Jake Paul which is why she’s hooking up with FaZe Banks
The latest drama happening on YouTube, Jake Paul created a song throwing shade at his “ex-girlfriend” Alissa Violet after cheating…