Avakin Life


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69 comments and I’ll give you a shoutout… (。◕‿◕。)

This is my first mail time video of season 2. I will be doing a total of 4 mail time videos this season. If you’d like to be in one, please send a message to DonnyPoo in Avakin Life. Messages that standout, thoughtful, or are funny will usually appear. I save all the good messages and post them to my twitter at www.twitter.com/donnypie

Thank you all so much for sending in so much support. I wouldn’t have done a season 2 without any of you and I’m so grateful for each and every one of you. You have no idea. Thank you so much. You’re all so amazing from the bottom of my heart; I love all of you if there were ever a bottom at all.

Thanks and new videos every day or every other day. This is video 2 of 25 in season 2.

(( This video was suggested by fans… ))

☺☻ R I D E T H E W A V E ☻☺
Website – http://bit.ly/1TbX01K
Twitter – http://bit.ly/1Temqu3
Instagram – http://bit.ly/1VXgQ1t
Facebook – http://bit.ly/1R2nDyI
Tumblr – http://bit.ly/1TbX01K
Snapchat – @skyelogic

♥△ ♥ I N D I E A R T P R O J E C T S ♥△ ♥


△♥△ C O L L A B E R A T O R S △♥△
Steven Universe

Donny Pie

Hello! My name is Donnel Garner. I created ourGemCodes in 2010. I have my degree in Computer Science. I’m a web developer, entrepreneur, content creator, and United States Submariner. I am a young philanthropist and contribute to open source foundations.

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