ourWorld OFFICIALLY BANS Donny Pie and DELETES All of His Friends
[wpsm_dropcap]O[/wpsm_dropcap]n July 2nd, 2017, Donny Pie did his weekly Radio Show/PodCast. 10 minutes into the show, ourWorld banned Donny Pie’s account. Donny Pie can no longer be found in ourWorld:
@ourWorld_com Hey ourWorld. After spending years marketing your game, thanks for banning my account. Legit. pic.twitter.com/22Ofgh5yUS
— Donny Pie (@donnypie) July 3, 2017
The reason for Donny Pie’s ban is unknown. There are speculations, however. Donny made an event titled “Radio Show” including a description along these lines, “Listen to music and hear the latest news happening in ourWorld.” People have made similar events in the past without problem.
Despite this, ourWorld decided to ban Donny Pie indefinitely. No reason was given.
Donny Pie can no longer be searched in ourWorld. Also, friends on his friend’s list have been deleted along with pictures in his album.
ourWorld doesn’t ban toxic players and they allow other users to link off-site. MareksGreg, who runs ourWorldBuzz, posts weekly links to the ourWorld forum. The ourWorld moderators are biased. The fact Donny Pie is well known and has been involved in controversies could be the reason he is being targeted by the ourWorld moderators.

A few days ago, we wrote about ourWorld banning Donny Pie for 24 hours. Donny said his conversations are being taken out of context. People have voiced their support that these bans are unfair. The customer service at FlowPlay are banning players for any reason they choose.
Last week, ourWorld banned another content creator, 2fps, for linking to ourWorld YouTube videos. According to the ourWorld code of conduct, 2fps didn’t break any rules. The moderators simply made something up to ban him.
At this point in time, Donny has been forced to quit ourWorld.
We’ll keep you updated on this story.
Smh. ourWorld is shooting itself in the foot.
Just petty…..
Ourworld just really wants to shut down.
This is why I quit ourWorld and went to VegasWorld.
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. They cannot do this to the pie !!!!! he is a awesome pie that don’t deserve this . They have some serious issues if they get rid of the pie .
How could this happen to me song intensifies *
can ourworld not
That’s ridiculous
well ppl will go to club penguin
the game is dead, im sure it will close in 2018
I don’t know what to say
They also banned me years ago for discovering a bug that got you free coins , even though it’s their fault for there being a bug.
Well that’s an interesting plot.I suggest you sent a ticket or contact the flowplay team asap.Did they sent you a message explaining which rules you screwed up?
ow really has some problems. my friend’s account has been banned from putting stuff up on mp, offering, buying gems, and gifting for about 5 years now, and every time we try and email them, they tell us that a user who’s been banned had access to her account (even though she never shared her password), therefore SHE is being punished for something out of her control. she has a lot of good things on there too that she can’t trade either.
Omg the same thing happened to my bff! I think ow is going to close in a few years from now… Even tho i grew up playing this game and wish it wouldnt close i cant deny the reality… THEY EVEN BANNED THE USER WHO HELPED THEM BECOME POPULAR!!! wth oW?… Wth?
Wow I didn’t even see this.. I just finished a video and talked a little about the 24 hour ban… but gone forever..? This is waaaay too far.
ow aint shit. poptropica here i come
lmao see poptropica used to be the real shit until ow came, but now ow gonna shut down in 2018. Dood donny should play poptropica o.o
bitch wtf- maybe they were jealous or something
That is ridiculous.
Ourworld is really bugging