EP 3: 8 SIMPLE WAYS poor people Earn FREE Credits on IMVU (as told in ridiculous fashion)
69 likes and I’ll gift you credits… (。◕‿◕。)
This IMVU video was ridiculous and half the reasons I listed are the most horrible reasons ever. Was it funny, tho? Cringe.
Method 1 – Do offers like a normie
Method 2 – Scam, steal, and commit fraud
Method 3 – Beg like you’re desperate for virtual items
Method 4 – Do commissions for credits
Method 5 – Do the daily spin and whatnot
Method 6 – Create and sell badges
Method 7 – Create products and sell them
Method 8 – Use a sketchy website or software
The video was great, but not too great. It was just decent. Oh my gosh; the videos from here on are amazing and I’m quite proud of the work. Keep watching!
Thank you all for watching. I’m doing an entire 25 video series on IMVU. Subscribe to my channel for more high-quality content. And also, leave a comment down below. How do you earn credits? Please tell us, senpai. And remember to like the video. It helps alot. As always, My name is Donny. Visit ourgemcodes.com. And until next time….
(( This video was suggested by bank of IMVU… ))
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Toby Fox – Undertale (Chime Remix)