It seems ourWorld is cracking down on toxic players in their game. In the past month, we’ve witnessed players like 2fps banned for sharing links. He had his account for over 3 years. And he’s not alone; more players have been getting chat banned daily for doing things that everyone does like going to social media events.

As seen in the image above, another long-time user on ourWorld was banned for linking to social media. Luckily, he wasn’t perma-banned.
ourWorld’s competitors allow linking off-site.
There should be a mass message informing players they are enforcing ourWorld policies from now on. In the past, it was okay to share links. ourWorld gives no warning before banning.
There are a lot of people who still share links. To pick and choose certain players to ban is totally unfair.
In a virtual world, chatting is the whole point of playing. What’s the point of a chat filter if players get banned for chatting anyway? ourWorld moderators are making poor decisions. Good way to kill your game. Sad.
Never provide personal information to strangers you meet online. Never share account information. And try not to chat at all; ourWorld will ban you for anything these days… even their most loyal members.
How do you feel about the recent bans in ourWorld?
This is how people get to know each other, and find out if they are dating some adult or not ;)
so this banning stuff IS dumb.
honestly dumb . using kid snap or Skype is how outworld played connect with each other . get to know each other
this means no more kik events :D
So, that being said, does that mean my sharing the link the forum I have created for my crew or the times I share the links for Our Gem Codes, ourWorld FM, or any of Donny Pie’s you tube videos can get me banned?! AM I understanding this correctly? I sure hope not. Mu goal in ourWorld is to keep my crew and the other members of oW enthusiastic and active in the game. Sometime supplemental things, like Donny’s events on ourWorld FM and you tube videos help make ourWorld more entertaining for its players!
I love this game. It’s literally the only game I play. But the fact that they’re choosing to ban random players just because they give out social media information? It’s not okay. If a person chooses to give out their social media that’s their choice.
kek ourworld still proceeds to ruin itself