Every week, I will publish a follow-up issue of ‘Tis Sunday, an interactive post that allows you viewers to have your say and win mini contests with not-too-attractive prizes.
Spotted @ CK LunaLocket’s Party! Click image to enlarge.
Did you know… that you get a certain number of flow when you type test-mode 42 followed by Cryptobiologist? The maximum flow you can get is 70, but you start off with 6 to 8 flow the first time round. It helps in leveling up or earning more coins through flow.
Type test-mode 42
Hit enter
Type Cryptobiologist
Hit enter
Shout out for meh best sista on oW XX SPONGEBOB XX luv you 8-)
~xl LaSaDGirL lx
Big Shout-outs to:
Wacky Louie – Epic Dude
Amzyy x – Ma BFF :)
rAwRlIkEaBaNaNa – Ma Banana Bud
Thankies For The Shout-Out In The Other Page.
Huggles + Kissyz
Shout out to:
– The best twin EVER Monkey Cool, I think you’re totally amazing!
– My best friend zinome, thanks so much for showing me ourWorld in the beginning! You’re fantastic!
– CK SkyeLogic, Last Cookie and friends, for making this site!
I’d like to give a shout-out thanking all my buds on ourWorld! You know who you are cuz we talk almost everyday. Love you Olivia!
I wanna give a shout out for Arora (: My precious friend! And CK LunaLocket and CK Skyelogic for making my life easier on ourWorld with their blog.
Shout out to theese special people:
IHaveUrPancake ~ for being such a good friend for me all the time :D
JustTheWayYewAre ~ For being random buddy xD No, if realy, for being such an amazing friend all the time :)
bobs56 ~ For being annoying xDD
DOMcikas ~ For all our moments, pictures, and simply – thank you for that you are :)
EgLe57 ~ For our fridays in shops xDD
Hollywood ~ Simply – for being my ow friend :)
Last Cookie ~ For being such an amazing person :D
CK SkyeLogic and CK LunaLocket ~ For being an amazing authors, and for being such a nice pair :)
And the last, but not least, for all my friends. Thank you all, for simply being in my life :)
~Sky x
iOwnErnie, xXCxi AliciaXx, x Stolen, x Goddess, Peace Ivy, Lady Joker x3
( Sandy, Ally, Lulu, Bub, Peace, Tammie – forgot to add that inn too -_- )
I love you all, thank you guys(: .
hugs and kisses to mike 8-)
~WhipCream x3
Shout out to mah besties: Taylor, Lillac, Anna, Ana, Nicky, Jake, Vally, Ry, Phantom, Keke, Aaron, and everyone else! Luv u guys! U have always been there for me and I will miss all of you that are gone, wish you guys were back! And all the others that are still here then I luv chuu guys for stayin wif me! :-)
i wanna give a shout out to my friend anna (Tech N9ne)we have been having big fights and i just want to do this so it proves that i still wanna be her friend. :)
~dan the man123
$houting 0ut to mii best buds;;
Mary, Drake, Amy&&City<33
Maryyy — Best Buddy Forever ;d You've always been there for me<3 ily honeyy ;**
Drake — You're mii only person i slap ;]] i<33Yoooooohhh ;p
Amy — Youse are the BEST sister ever had :']] ilyy Sis<333
City — Rock On Girl!! Shortest Shortie ive ever met ;p i?uuu ;d
ii???these people so0O muchh<33
A big SPECIAL shout-out to my best friends Lubuking, Mexicat, SIick and Rare, you guys keep rocking man!
Muffin asked:
“If convenience stores are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, why are there locks on the doors?”
Because every 4 years, they have to lock their doors on 29 February and take a vacation. Remember, it’s a leap year! (You said 365 days! :P)
Xx Kristy xX asked:
“How long should it take for someone to reach LVL 100?”
If you’re a game addict and have no social life, 3 days.
If you have school, work or a job and can balance the best of both worlds, I’ll say 6 months tops.
If you spend 1 – 2 hour(s) on ourWorld everyday, a year.
Results may vary!
Visit this blog: http://iam-bekah.blogspot.com/
Watch the Charlie Brown Christmas video on the THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2010 post, what did Linus say to Charlie Brown from 1:16 to 1:20?
Submit all answers to ourgemcodes_submit@hotmail.com with your Subject Header as ‘Mini Contest’ by Friday, 31 December 2010 (New Year’s Eve). Prizes will be gifted by Hollywood the following week. Good luck!~
*****WINNERS***** Last week’s answer: “I will avenge you, Sis” 2 FASTEST: Darkangelfallen, BIondie 2 LUCKIEST: Daichi Kakeru, TopsyPopsicle
You should have receive your prizes (via gift) by Monday, 20 December, 2010.
Oh, and on that note, there won’t be an issue of ‘Tis Sunday next week, because I’ll be going on my trip to Perth. So stay cool, guys!
Submission Guidelines
So before you reach over and press ‘comment’, do read up on how you can submit your questions, shout-outs and contest answers below.
• For Shout-out column, simply post your messages as a reply to THIS post. I’ll be checking the comments section below and select random shout-out messages to publish in the next issue.
• For Ask The Sky, I’ll only accept questions through forum PM-ing or inbox messaging. Send me a Private Message by clicking here. Alternatively, you can send me an inbox message with the subject ‘Ask The Sky!’.
• For Mini Contest, all participants should email their entry to ourgemcodes_submit@hotmail.com.
Hello! My name is Donnel Garner. I created ourGemCodes in 2010. I have my degree in Computer Science. I’m a web developer, entrepreneur, content creator, and United States Submariner. I am a young philanthropist and contribute to open source foundations.