Only is one of our beloved OGC Forum Moderators. Here’s a little interview about Only, to get to know her a little better.
Alexandra: Hello Only
Only: Howdy!
Alex: First of all, we want to know more about you. What’s your name?
Only: Okay, well my real name is Georgina. I love playing sports, going to parties, socializing and long walks on the beach haha!
Alex: How long have you been playing ourWorld?
Only: I have been playing ourWorld for just over a year now. The time has gone so fast, I don’t know where it has gone!
Alex: And how did you find out about the OGC site?
Only: Well, I can’t really recall when I found the ourgemcodes site. A friend must have sent me the link. It was a long time ago.
Alex: How about the OGC Forums?
Only: This one I can remember! I joined the forums in Aug, 2011. I found the forums when I was looking ’round the main OGC site as it was advertising it. Two months after joining I applied for a moderator position and here we are today!
Alex: Since when did you become a moderator for OGC?
Only: I became a moderator about 4 months ago. I have loved it, helping other members and trying to improve the site is something I really enjoy doing.
Alex: On a 1-10 scale, how stressful is it being a moderator of the OGC Forums?
Only: I would say, (1 being the lowest and 10 being the max) about 3. The forums are never really stressful as we have great respectful and valued members that use it!
Alex: What motivates you to do your best?
Only: I am motivated by seeing the outcome of what I strive to achieve.
Alex: Do you consider yourself successful?
Only: I would say I was successful. I have amazing friends, family and my boyfriend who all support me so much. No one could ask for more.
Alex: What are you favorite items?
Only: There are so many. I would say the most favorite item for me is the Angelic Eminence Wings, which can be found in the Angelic Eminence Mystery Box, 2011. I would say this is my favorite item because of the sheer size of it.
Alex: How about designer? What’s your favorite?
Only: I would say my favorite is Ani. The designs of the clothes have an attitude and urban style which I really like.
Alex: What kind of music do you listen to?
Only: I listen to dubstep and R & B mostly. I do like other genres as well.
Alex: Awesome! What’s your favorite song?
Only: Hard question! There are so many that I love. I would say ‘A Thousand Miles’ by Vanessa Carlton.
Alex: Okay, we’re done! What do you want to say to our readers?
Only: Thank you very much for reading! Also, sign up to the ourgemcodes forum. Look forward to seeing ya’ll there!
OGC Forum Profile for Alexandra