[Contest Ended] OGC Forum Mascot

PRIZE: Mascot on the main OGC site and a Small Gift
I am holding a contest for you! Yes you! To design a OGC Forum Mascot!
Whoever creates the best mascot will have it placed on the OGC home site.
Whoever creates the best mascot will have it placed on the OGC home site.
What you need to include on the Mascot:
OGC Forums!
A small bit on information on the mascot (e.g a speech bubble) Saying what you can do on the forums, (CONTESTS, LATEST NEWS, GLITCHES, CHEATS, ART..and so on).
Leave your entries on:
the OGC Forum Contest Page: OGC Forum Mascot Contest
-If you do not have a OGC Forum account create one now! Sign up
-OR on the comments below. (leave your Ourworld Account Name)
Closing date for entries: November 30th 2011
The winner will be announced after the closing date! Good luck to everyone!