Name Changes for OGC Authors
Since Skye and I have been so busy with the site and summer just starting, we only recently got a change to play downWorld. But when we tried to register our names everyone knows us by, they were taken (except Skye, he only got the name SkyeLogic) :| We can’t use any of these names:
- CK SkyeLogic
- CK LunaLocket
- LunaLocket
- Luna Locket
- Skye Logic
- Last Cookie
- LastCookie
If anyone on that list claims to be us, they’re not the real Skye and Luna. Just some sad little people desperately trying to be. This only applies to downWorld. NOT ourWorld!
Instead of trying to convince them to give it back, just know that is not really us. And we decided to get new names! We haven’t decided them yet because…
We want YOU to decide our new names.
Leave a comment and suggest a new name each for Skye and Luna!
If we love it, you’ll get a present.

Please nothing with the words “cxi, hawt, cute, istoleyour…” etc.
Those types of names aren’t as fitting for us.
We loved our previous names so we hope you can help find us new ones.
ALSO, as far as we know, Last Cookie will not be changing her name!
Last Cookie’s edit: Sadly, my name has been taken too. :\ So I’m using “Skka” on downWorld for now.